Live Bitcoin & Crypto Fear and Greed Index
Extreme Fear
Extreme Greed
Historical Bitcoin & Crypto Fear and Greed Index
How to read the value and chart of Bitcoin & Crypto Fear and Greed Index?
The values on Fear and Greed Index range from 0 (extreme fear) to 100 (extreme greed).
The zones on the chart and slider are separated as follows:
- 0-24 = Extreme Fear
- 25-49 = Fear
- 50-74 = Greed
- 75-100 = Extreme Greed
It can be argued that when the market is approaching or in the "extreme greed" zone that traders are getting too greedy and market is overdue for a correction.
Likewise it can be argued that when market is in the "extreme fear" zone that traders are being too fearful and we might be reversing soon.
How is the Fear and Greed Index calculated?
The Bitcoin & Crypto Fear and Greed Index gets updated every 8 hours (around 00:00, 08:00 and 16:00 UTC). In order to calculate the fear and greed index, we gather data from 4 different sources. Each source has an unique "weight" assigned to it, to represent the importance in estimating the market sentiment.
We compare the current (and recent) volume to historical data. Higher volume indicates that the market is either more greedy or more fearful (depending on the market direction).
Open Interest
We combine open interest data from multiple exchanges and compare it to historical data in order to analyse greediness or fearfulness of the current market. High open interest suggests a greedy market and low open interest indicates a fearful market.
Social Media (Reddit & Twitter)
We gather tweets and Reddit posts/comments mentioning Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies and analyse the sentiment of these posts. Generally speaking bullish tweets / posts (such as "Bitcoin is going to the moon") indicate a greedy market sentiment and bearish posts (such as "Bitcoin has no adoption and the fees are too high") indicate a fearful market sentiment.
Search Data (Google & Bing)
We analyse the monthly search volume and trends for terms relating to cryptocurrencies (such as "how to buy bitcoin", "bitcoin", "bitcoin price") to estimate the general public's interest in Bitcoin and Cryptocurrencies.