Bitmex Chat's (Trollbox's) Positions

NameSideQuantityEntry PriceCurrent PriceProfitTime Passed
The last 24 hour overview of (long and short) positions posted in the Bitmex chat (trollbox). Positions get updated every time a new position is posted by an user in the Bitmex trollbox. If user has not updated their position in 24 hours then their position gets removed from the list.

The data about trollbox positions is useful to determine the overall sentiment (and open bitmex longs vs shorts) of the market and what kind of positions the average trollbox user is taking.

Rows with green text are users that have opened a long position in Bitmex.
Rows with red text are users that opened a short position in Bitmex.
The minimum number of contracts necessary to be shown in the list is 1,000.

There's no way to know if a position in the table is still valid and exists. It means that the positions with the most recent "Time passed" value have the highest likelihood of still being open, while the positions with oldest "Time passed" value have the lowest likelihood.
The profit for the position is calculated based on live Bitcoin price.

The overall longs vs shorts metrics above the table are calculated by taking the sum of all positions on both long and short side. The value inside the box is the total number of contracts.

Check out our other helpful resources: live large trades & rekts, bitmex leaderboard and bitmex open interest chart.